I'm relieved to report that I now have a job! Only a mere 2 and 1/2 months after moving to this fair city.
Despite some very encouraging words from my recruitment agent who excitedly rang me just 20 minutes after posting my CV and covering letter on Seek about 3 months ago, it was a laborious process indeed.
Whilst assuring me that I'd be beating potential employers off with a stick, the interviews, or "chats" that everyone seems to call them here ("are you able to come in for a "chat"? All very non-commital!) were few and far between. And when nothing came of those chats I was faced with every excuse in the book -a couple of arranged chats were called off days before they happened because either there was a re-structure planned or they only had eyes for one person (ie not me). Then I was too junior, too senior, too Kiwi, I didn't have enough contacts here. But I'm pleased to say that I'm very happy with the job I finally got and have to thank my friend Amy for setting up the initial chat for me. Don't know what I'd have done without her!
When considering I know a couple of very skilled ad people who had to return to NZ after months of unsuccessful job-hunting here and when I spoke to various people who told me to give it at least 6 months (!!!) I count myself extremely lucky... it must have been that bird that relieved itself on my scarf on the walk up the driveway to the Melbourne office of an international ad agency for my fourth "chat" there. Thanks bud.
Congratulations, Col! :) I hope you'll be very happy there. x