No, I'm not talking about the golden post-beach-holiday hue every person hopes to get during the summer months, or even better, the winter months. The "Tan", as it's affectionately known, is a beautiful, leafy running track that encircles Melbourne's Royal BoTANical (get it?) Gardens.
This track is so renowned in Melbourne that when asked where we live, instead of saying "South Yarra", I often use the Tan as a point of reference "you know the big hill on the tan...?", I am seldom met with blank expression thereafter.
What a great place to people-watch. Everyone from Joe soap to the top AFL players (tops off) and their blinged up, peroxide-blonde WAG's, run the thing. People DRIVE to the Tan to run it... purpose defeating? Perhaps, but you have to be seen there walking your chihuahua, daaahling.
I've only run it a couple of times, preferring a gentle stroll alongside those sprinting up the hill, only to jog down and sprint up again. S is more committed though, running a couple of the 3.8km laps a few mornings a week before work.
The weather doesn't seem to deter people either. It could be pouring down, freezing and blowing a gale, and people are still out there, slogging away. Madness!
It really is beautiful though, so who can blame them?
Looks a bit like Central Park. :) Sounds amazing.